Website Manager

American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

AYSO Area 12A - Southern AZ

BlueSombrero Creation

Helpful Info for 
Creating your BlueSombrero Website

Helpful Contacts:  

BlueSombrero's support team at 866-258-3303. They are in the office from 8 am EST - 8 pm  EST Monday - Thursday, and 5 pm EST on Friday. They answer emails on weekends from [email protected].

BlueSombrero Contact:  Frannie Fabian  678-831-4436  Email:  [email protected]

AYSO National Computer Guru Contact:  Levi Carey 800-8722976 ext. 7953 Email:  [email protected]  (Contact Levi for your domain name.  Example of domain name:

AYSO Area 12A Webmaster:  Cindy Wilson Email:  [email protected]

Helpful Links:
BlueSombrero Frequently Asked Questions click here.

Admin Frequently Asked Questions click here.

Blue Sombrero website Handbook:

BlueSombrero Helpful Training Videos: Scroll to bottom part of the screen a pick a webinar time.

Create a Registration form instructions.   

Run a test registration instructions.

How do soccer players sign up on the new BlueSombrero site?  See sample instructions on the Region 922 website:

How does a volunteer sign up on the new BlueSombrero site?  See sample instructions on the Region 922 website:

Establishing your domain name:

To begin the transfer process, the National Office will need a Domain-Transfer “Authorization Code”. Please login to your current Domain Registration provider, manage your account, and perform the following tasks:

·         IMPORTANT FIRST STEP: Ensure the domain's “Administrative Contact” information is current, with a valid email address!

·         Allow / Request domain transfer. Possible Steps:

o   Disable the “Transfer Lock”, Cancel “Private Registration”

o   Request a “Transfer Out”, or a request a “Transfer Authorization Code”

o   A “Notice” or “Special Offer” will be displayed, Continue with Transfer.

o   You may need to Confirm / Acknowledge transfer multiple times!

o   STEPS WILL VARY for each Registration Company, READ their instructions!

·         Please note: It may take up to 3 days, to receive a Transfer Auth Code.

·         Also note: Your current Registrar may require additional steps! Possibly a telephone call, email-confirmation, or other steps as instructed.

·         Once you have received your Transfer “Authorization Code”, please send this information via email to: [email protected]

o   Email Subject: “Transfer Domain:”

o   In your email provide the: Domain Transfer “Authorization Code”

If you need assistance on how to transfer, you can send us your domain name and we will assist you in this process. Please send your email to [email protected] for assistance or questions you might have. When you send an email you will receive an email response, with a ticket number. You can also call us at 800-872-2976 ext 7955. If we don’t answer the call please leave a voicemail and we will return the phone call as soon as possible.

Will I be able to accept cash and checks? What is the process?

Yes, cash and checks may be accepted by Regions, but are not recommended. When parents pay by either credit card, debit card or pre-paid credit cards the fees flow through Blue Sombrero directly to Region, Area, Section and National Office bank accounts with complete transparency. Corresponding automated entries are made to NAP Online to record revenue and provide financial updates. 

When a Region, Area or Section accepts cash or check payments, they will be required to use an AYSO American Express corporate credit card to pay for the player’s National Membership fees since payment of the National Membership fee “registers” a player to make the player eligible to be assigned to a team and print a player ID card. 
The AYSO AMEX card is available to the Regional Commissioner, Area Director, or Section Director.

If you are a Section Director, Area Director or Regional Commissioner and would like an AMEX credit card for Region use, please contact [email protected] to start the process for obtaining the Region corporate AMEX credit card. Note that no one else on the Regional Board can submit a request for an AMEX credit card. 

Letter from Frannie at BlueSombrero:

Hi Regions,

It's time to set up the BlueSombero websites.  We will need to complete our Fall Registrations on these sites.  I was sent the information below from Frannie Fabian at BlueSombrero.  She is very helpful. 

If you need help getting set up please contact BlueSombrero's support team at 866-258-3303. They are in the office from 8 am EST - 8 pm  EST Monday - Thursday, and 5 pm EST on Friday. They answer emails on weekends from [email protected].

Here is a recording of our AYSO registration set up webinar if you have trouble attending a live webinar: AYSO Webinar
Here is our AYSO help guide:

Some key points from this webinar:

You need to set up your Fall Core and Spring Core as separate programs (You can auto-recreate teams for Spring Core).

  • In Step 2, Question 7, You need to edit this question and list your local elementary schools
  • In Step 5, You can write the confirmation email to parents.
  • In Step 6, Do NOT include the National Player Fee in your Division Price.
  • In Step 6, Per our divisions, you need to determine what AYSO is using as their age groups and update the age groups accordingly in the system 
  • The AYSO National Player Fee Cannot Be Refunded if you refund a parent.
  • Parents must pay with with a credit card

To attend a live AYSO training:

If you need help, first line of defense is our support team (866-258-3303).

If you really need help, please reach out to Jim Norris our AYSO Account Manager.

His email is [email protected].

If you need to schedule a call with him, use this call scheduling app:

P.S. and you can always call Frannie Fabian at BlueSombrero at  678-831-4436 or email her at [email protected]


Next steps:
1) Acquire a website domain name if you need one from Levi at Nationals.  Looks like 224 and 216 have theirs.  Looks like 809 and 1231 might need theirs.
2) Sign into your new website portal.  You should have received an email from BlueSombrero with login info. If you sill need your sign in ifnormation email Frannie at Blue Sombrero.
3)  Assign your webmaster.  After signing into your portal, click on "Common" at top right of page.  Click on "Users".  Add new user.  Then click on "Common" again.  Click on "Roles".  Scroll down until you see "Website Manager - Admin".  Click on it.  Under "User Name" click on arrow to right.  Choose your user that you just entered.  Choose your effective date and expire date.  Or you can leave them blank if you wish for now.
4)  Email your webmaster and give them the link to the new website, the log in name you chose for them, the password you created for their account.  (They can change password later if needed).   Don't have a webmaster? or need a little help?  You can add me as a Website Manger as well to help out.  That will allow me to login and assist over the phone if you need it.  You can reach me at [email protected].

Connecting domain name to your BlueSombrero website:

Once you are ready to connect your domain name to your new BlueSombrero website, check out this link for helpful information:

National Partners

Contact Us

AYSO Area 12A - Southern AZ

Jim Frey - Area 12A Director 

Email Us: [email protected]
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